Create a Magical Day

with Joyful Genia

A joyful approach to living life

Learn to spark daily joy! Joyful Genia & friends help you light your path to happy.

Create a Magical Day Podcast

Reawaken your natural joy, discover the light again in the world around you and connect afresh to your inner spark that’s uniquely yours. Hear Joyful Genia’s interviews with thought leaders, best-selling authors, joy coaches, wellness experts and everyday people just like you. All designed to lighten your load, guide you through your stressful week with the best joy tips and help bring you one step closer to a more joy-filled life.

Episode 16

Your Timing is Perfect

Trust the season you're in. It's perfect for creating your future. Embrace the moment, shape your feelings, and ride the wave of life. Every day holds joy, waiting to be made. Remember, challenges are stepping stones, and delays are detours. Trust the journey! ✨ #TrustTheTiming

Ways to Access Joy

Sign-up for Free Joyful Tips

Simple joyful tips and inspiration to give you a boost of JOY. – So you can release some stress easily add extra joy to your day.

Smiling young diverse ladies showing hi sign while taking selfie on terrace

Join the Community

Joyful and meaningful friendships in a fun community. Play interactive games, share inspiration & have unlimited dance parties.

Woman Listening and Dancing to Music

Listen to the Podcast

Learn to spark daily joy! Joyful Genia & friends lights your path to happy.


One Stop Shop for Joy

Unleash your magic! ✨ This season is yours to create a joyful future. Embrace the present, ride life's wave, and paint your masterpiece of joy every day. Challenges are stepping stones, delays are detours - trust the journey! Feeling burnt out? Create a Magical Day (CaMD) is your hub for joy! We offer workshops & the Create a Magical Day Podcast to infuse joy in your work & life. Let's co-create magic!

Joyful Genia

Your Joy Guide

Howdy! I’m a Texas girl with a Magical Spirit, a joy creator who loves helping others create more magical moments, an aligned libra always tipping the scales, and I will choose to daydream about being a magical Mercorn (mermaid unicorn) over brunch with mimosas (well, it’s a close tie). Family dinners, board games, and lots of hugs are important in our home. Featured in O Magazine & Oprah Daily and lead training strategist for one of the world’s largest Fortune 500 companies, I am a joy resource for busy professionals.

From our Clients

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The Bringing Joy Back Workshop was full of joy and community. My primary takeaway is that practicing gratitude is a powerful way to receive more things to be grateful for in my life.

Chris F. Women Empowerment Entrepreneur

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The joyful tips Genia shares on Create a Magical Day is a focused reminder that I can quickly shift my attention and like magic find something sweet and simple to feel joyful about.

Jaaz J. Energy Empowerment Coach

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One of the things I learned is, it’s the small things that you can try to get more meaning out of. For example, the shirt I am wearing and the butterfly mural I pass often. It’s one day at a time.

Holly V. Workshop Participant

Let's Work


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